Victoria’s Smile in a Day

In June 2021, Victoria* underwent full upper and lower jaw Smile in a Day dental implant treatment at the TDC Harley Street Centre.

Her dental implants and a first set of fixed teeth were replaced on the same day, restoring a natural-looking smile in a matter of hours.

Victoria’s Story

“I had never really liked my natural teeth; my bottom teeth were a bit higgledy piggledy, and the top teeth were quite yellow.

Then I developed gum disease and age-related gum shrinkage so went to Guys Hospital every 3 months for a deep clean. This isn’t pleasant, especially when you have to do it on a regular basis for over two years. And the problems didn’t even improve much.

At the end of November 2020, I developed real sensitivity which meant I couldn’t eat very hot or cold food, so when I cooked I had to put my food aside to leave it to cool.

I’m a real foodie and eating out at nice restaurants with friends has been a big part of my life, so I found it very hard that I couldn’t enjoy eating the foods I love any more.’

‘My problems were getting worse – I needed to do something’

‘When I was told another tooth needed to come out – I just burst into tears.

I remember my parents with teeth in a glass by their bed and that’s where I was headed. I knew I didn’t want to wear dentures, and I wanted to be able to eat normally, without worrying about my teeth. But I didn’t know what to do.’

‘A neighbour introduced me to TDC’

‘It was a neighbour who told me about TDC Implant Centres. She had had dental problems herself and had seen their ad for Smile in a Day on TV.

So, I Googled TDC and read all the reviews. In fact, I did lots of research into loads of companies offering dental implants, including some locally and even abroad.’

‘Why I chose TDC – my problems could be sorted in one day’

‘TDC Smile in a Day treatment interested me as I could get everything sorted in one go*.

The alternative was to go on for years, having lots of treatment as my problems got worse. I would have been in and out of the dentist’s chair and the cost over time wouldn’t have been any less.

And it helped that TDC do offer interest-free credit as it’s a big investment – not all dentists do.’

Totally bespoke service

‘A key thing for me in choosing TDC was also that everything they do is totally bespoke and crafted especially for you, rather than having to settle for a fixed design.

I think that’s an important part of the service when you are investing a lot of money.

Although I didn’t have this treatment for cosmetic reasons, the fact that you have the freedom to change the look and feel of your teeth as you want is important.

At some dentists that I looked into, you had to choose a fixed design and had the choice out of 6 tooth colour options.

At TDC they really look at you and your mouth and they even took my personality into account.

You can change anything until it is exactly as you want it – tooth colour, shape – so you really get the teeth and smile you want. They are totally designed for you.’

My care at TDC Harley Street

‘When I went for my first consultation there was no judgement at all from Anthony or the team.

I found the TDC approach to be very considered.

I just wanted an end to pain and suffering, and to get it over and done with, and they recognised that. They weren’t initially sure whether they needed to remove all my existing teeth, but they analysed the scan, deliberated the best route and gave me options so I could decide.

I decided to have my remaining teeth removed and to have full upper and lower teeth restored on dental implants.

The care during treatment and the aftercare is really re-assuring – it really is your personal experience – 100%.

It didn’t feel like a conveyor belt just trying to treat as many people as possible, it was a very personal touch. They really listen to you.’

‘I was anxious about the surgery’

‘I was very anxious about the actual surgery; after all, I was having lots of teeth out, and having the implants placed on the same day.

I spoke to Nico, the anaesthetist, about my concerns – he made sure I was sedated the whole time and I was only aware of anything when they did the drilling, but there was no pain.

And afterwards there was much less discomfort than I was expecting. I took some painkillers for a couple of days then stopped altogether. I took Ibuprofen for some swelling and had a bit of bruising for a few days.’

My new teeth

‘When I saw my new teeth on the same day, I couldn’t believe it. I was absolutely gobsmacked.

I wanted a better version of my natural teeth, and that is what they gave me.

My new teeth suit my mouth, they are just wonderful.

It did take a bit of getting used to having the new teeth and building up confidence to bite and chew normally. It is a strange feeling, but you get used to them quickly.

I have just got my permanent teeth. They feel more refined, they feel smoother.

I am really happy as they look so natural, even though they are a lot whiter than my natural teeth.

I’ve told very few people that I have had the treatment, but I’ve been away on holiday twice since having my teeth done, and people have remarked what lovely smile I have.’

How my life has changed

‘I haven’t looked back.

Before coming to TDC, I just didn’t know what to do about the problems I was having with my teeth, and had worried about it for years.

It was an on-going worry in my life – if I had had a denture, I would have hidden myself away.

Now it is done, finished, over.

I don’t have to think about those problems anymore.

It is a huge relief to know I’m able to eat properly again – I can eat hot and cold foods without worrying – I can enjoy my gin and tonic, and I have a Magnum each evening!

Even with my temporary fixed teeth I could eat things I wasn’t able to eat before. I went on holiday to Madeira and could eat steaks and pizza just like my friends.’

‘I hadn’t expected how much confidence I would get’

‘What I hadn’t expected was how much confidence I would get – it is incredible.

Before, I just wasn’t very smiley; now I am beaming and grinning from ear to ear.

I wouldn’t say it has changed my personality, but I do feel I have more confidence.

Previously in photos I would grimace or turn my head to the side rather than smile and show my teeth – now I’m at the front!

It’s such a huge difference in a way I hadn’t contemplated. I had been motivated because I wanted to be able to eat normally but this as a real unexpected benefit.’

*Name changed at patient’s request.

Book your free, no-obligation consultation*

At TDC Implant Centres, we offer free, no-obligation consultations* at our three UK dental implant centres: London Harley Street, Folkestone and Peterborough. To book your no-obligation consultation, call 020 3553 6415 to speak with one of our friendly Patient Advisors.

*With TDC Smile in a Day (a technique sometimes referred to as Teeth in a Day or All on Four), the first fixed set of teeth is placed on the same day as dental implant surgery.

They remain in place, night and day like natural teeth, until they are exchanged for the final long-lasting set at a non-surgical appointment after about 3 months, once the bone has integrated with the implants.

This ensures a perfect fit with the newly settled gums and allows any requested refinements, ensuring the perfect aesthetics.



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