Billy’s Smile in a Day

“I’d been wearing a top denture for the best part of ten years, and my bottom teeth weren’t good.

With TDC Smile in a Day, I got my perfect smile instantly – it was exactly what I was looking for.”

In June 2021, Billy* had full upper and lower jaws restored with Smile in a Day dental implants at the TDC Implant Centre in Peterborough.

My denture was uncomfortable

“There were multiple reasons why my teeth were in a very bad state.

Nine years ago, I had my upper teeth replaced with a full denture, and I disliked everything about it.

It wasn’t comfortable, and a real downside was that it wouldn’t stay in place, even when I first had it done and the fit is supposed to be perfect.

Denture glue only works for a certain amount of time, even when you take out the denture, clean it and apply more adhesive.

So, I could only eat when my teeth were held strongly enough in place. It’s not ideal for a night out, and I lived like that for 8 or 9 years.”

I needed to find another solution

“I realised that my remaining teeth (bottom jaw) were not in a good state, and I probably needed a lower denture too.

When I looked online, lots of people said that having a lower denture is even less comfortable.

I couldn’t imagine anything worse, so I started to look for another solution.

I was aware of the Smile in a Day** process (where dental implants and a first set of fixed teeth are placed on the same day), so I saved until I was in a position to get it done.”

Finding TDC Implant Centres

“I found TDC online.

I live in Peterborough, and I knew exactly where they were. I looked at the patient reviews and checked them out online. There was nothing to put me off, so I went in for a consultation with Martin (Dr Martin Zunde).

The consultation was perfect; I don’t have a bad word to say. They were honest and straightforward, and I didn’t feel worried about asking anything.

Although I’m not a very nervous patient, it is embarrassing when your teeth are in a very bad state, but I didn’t feel judged. They just told me my options.”

The day my implants and new teeth were placed

“I can’t remember much about surgery day. I remember reading a patient review saying they had no pain and time went really fast – and that is how it was for me.

I was totally comfortable and didn’t feel a thing. It was exactly what I was hoping for with sedation.

When I saw my new teeth for the first time that same day it was great.

I’d been wearing a top denture for the best part of ten years, and my bottom teeth weren’t good.

With Smile in a Day, I got my perfect smile instantly – top and bottom – it was exactly what I was looking for.

I’d been advised that there might be some bruising and swelling after my surgery, but I didn’t have anything at all, and I was really surprised how little bleeding there was. A small amount of bruising came out about 6 days after surgery, just a slight yellowing of my skin.

The only discomfort I had was when I lay down at night, so I took painkillers for a few days afterwards, but even that wasn’t bad.”

Eating after dental implant surgery

“When I first had my denture, it took a good couple of months to get used to eating with them, but eating with my new dental implants has been fine, like I’ve always had them.

I ate soft foods at the beginning like scrambled eggs, mince and chicken, and that suited me as those are the kinds of food I like to eat.

I was lucky that eating was never a really big problem for me, although I couldn’t bite into a burger or sandwich before and I can now! That is definitely an improvement!”

Living with my new fixed teeth

“The biggest difference since having Smile in a Day is the appearance of my teeth. People say they look really good.

The temporary teeth fitted great, but the final set are even better due to the impressions taken after my gums had settled after the surgery.

They look perfect and I am extremely happy with the end results.

Before, I didn’t smile properly as I didn’t want to show my teeth. I was self-conscious.

Now I have the confidence to give a big full smile.

I have a million-dollar smile!”

My experience at TDC

“Overall, everything about my treatment has been perfect. There was not a single thing wrong.

Clair (Patient Co-ordinator at TDC Peterborough) was my first point of contact, and you can tell she really cares when she’s doing her job.

She really understands as she’s been through the process herself – that’s a rare thing.

She always kept me updated and informed and even worked around my shift patterns to accommodate me for calls and appointments.”

“I would 100% recommend TDC without a doubt”

“When I was doing my research, I did look at other companies for comparison. I looked at case histories, the process and the actual dentists and their credentials.

I knew straightaway that TDC were ideal for me.

Yes, the cost was a bit more expensive, but if you want something important done (like advanced dental surgery) it’s worth paying for the best. And being right on my doorstep in Peterborough was ideal!”

Book your free, no-obligation consultation*

We offer free, no-obligation consultations* at our three UK dental implant centres: London Harley Street, Folkestone and Peterborough. To book your consultation, call 020 3553 6415 to speak with one of our friendly Patient Advisors.

**About TDC Smile in a Day

With TDC Smile in a Day same day dental implants, (a technique sometimes referred to as Teeth in a Day or All on Four), the first fixed set of teeth is placed on the same day as your dental implants.

They remain in place, night and day like natural teeth, so there is no need to wear a removable denture during the healing phase (while the bone integrates with the implants). They are exchanged for the final long-lasting set after about 3 months at a non-surgical appointment .

This ensures a perfect fit with the newly settled gums and allows any requested refinements to ensure the perfect aesthetics.

*Name changed at patient request.

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