What can I eat after dental implant surgery?

03 Sep 2021

“What can I eat after dental implant surgery?”

This is an important question for anyone who has to avoid certain foods due to the challenges of living with loose and missing teeth or dentures: the anxiety of losing more teeth when they bite on hard foods such as raw vegetables, or the embarrassment of only being able to eat soups and soft foods when eating out.

People considering implant treatment want to know what they can eat immediately after their dental implant procedure, and also the foods they can safely eat once they are living permanently with their new fixed teeth.

The answer is that replacing loose and missing teeth with dental implants means you’ll be able to eat and enjoy all hot and cold foods – just as you would with healthy natural teeth. Crisp apples, crunchy bread and chewy steaks are all back on the menu! So, not only can eating become a pleasure again, you’ll be able to eat the nutritious foods you need to keep healthy.

But there are a few things you need to know….

• What to eat after dental implant surgery

With TDC Smile in a Day same-day implants, the placement of your dental implants and a first set of fixed teeth take place on the same day.

Made from a high-quality composite material, these bespoke teeth are crafted to fit very comfortably and look just like real teeth. They stay secured in place, 24 hours a day, for about 8-12 weeks during the healing process i.e. whilst your bone integrates with your implants.

The reality is that you could bite into an apple with your new teeth on the actual day of dental implant surgery.

However, we suggest to our patients that they stick with a soft food diet including foods such as yogurt, soup and mashed potatoes for the first week or so after their dental implant surgery.

This is to make sure that you don’t bite your lip or cheeks whilst you are getting used to your new teeth. Remember that you may have spent many years with very wobbly teeth and you now have a set of very solid, secure teeth, and they may take a bit of controlling!

· Eating with your first set of fixed teeth

After the first few days, you will be getting used to the feeling of having new teeth in your mouth. We recommend that you build up gradually and eat only foods that you can cut with a fork whilst wearing your temporary first teeth.

In the weeks after implant surgery, you can gradually experiment with different foods. Don’t worry if you feel nervous about chewing and biting – that is very normal, especially if you have worried about loose or missing teeth for a long time.

Your confidence will grow, and you will start to enjoy eating again.

If you previously wore a denture, you’ll find that you can taste the foods you eat again as there is no bulky strap covering your palate.

• Eating with your final fixed teeth

About 3 months after dental implant surgery we exchange your first set of temporary teeth for your final set.

Again, they are bespoke, and are crafted to perfectly fit the shape of your settled gums.

These new teeth are also made from a high-quality composite material, and are reinforced with a titanium bar to combine optimum strength, durability and shock absorbency.

Now you can safely eat any foods you want – you can enjoy all types of food, and the experience of eating, just as you would with natural teeth.

There are many benefits to having dental implants, and being able to bite and chew normally again – and without worry – can be life-changing. You don’t have to be anxious about losing more teeth or slipping dentures.

And the best news is that your implants will hold your bone in place and stop the natural bone loss (resorption) associated with missing teeth.

· Treat dental implants as if they are your natural teeth

Dental implants offer a secure, fixed tooth solution as they are screw-like titanium “roots” that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace natural tooth roots. A bridge of teeth can then be placed on top and held securely in place.

The wonderful thing is that they look and function just like natural teeth.

But do remember that they are not bionic even if the implants are made from titanium! They can chip just like natural teeth, so we advise our patients against crunching on hard bones or opening bottles with their new teeth! If they do chip, they are easily repaired with natural tooth bonding techniques, but prevention is the best approach.

· Enjoy eating out!

Many patients tell us that, before implant surgery, they have avoided eating out in restaurants or dreaded going to social events that involve food or meals. Their worry and embarrassment around their loose and missing teeth made them too self-conscious to eat in front of others.

Once you have your new teeth on dental implants (remember to be careful if you still have your temporaries in), you can relax and choose anything on the menu. You are no longer restricted to life on a soft food diet. Anxiety around eating in public becomes a thing of the past.

What our patients say


Book your initial consultation

If your loose and missing teeth, or dentures, affect the foods you can eat and enjoy, TDC Smile in a Day dental implants may be the solution for you.

You can call 020 3553 6415 to speak with one of our friendly Patient Advisors and book your free* no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced Smile in a Day implant dentists



Caring for your Smile in a Day dental implants

17 Jun 2020

Good quality, well-placed dental implants can literally be life-changing – all the problems associated with dentures or loose and missing teeth are swept away.

Your new teeth are securely fixed onto the implants (titanium screws that are inserted into your jawbone to replace your natural tooth root) so they never move.

You can bite and chew normally again, meaning that you can eat, taste and enjoy any food you want without worrying about slipping dentures or loose teeth – including crunchy apples, meat, nuts and corn on the cob.

Best of all, you can see a beautiful new smile when you look at your reflection in the mirror – you never need to feel self-conscious about your teeth again. Your self-confidence is restored.

One of the other key benefits of dental implants is that they preserve your bone and are thus a long-lasting solution – they can last a lifetime if they are well maintained.

“It’s important to understand that your new teeth need to be properly cared for to maximise their lifespan, just as you would expect to care for natural teeth,” says Total Dentalcare (TDC) Lead Dentist Dr Anthony Zybutz.

So how should I care for my dental implants?

People are often uncertain about how to care for dental implants.

At TDC we provide you with all the dental care information and advice you need to look after your new teeth, and advise the following key tips to keep your Smile in a Day implants in the best possible condition:

Maintain a really good-at home dental hygiene routine

Along with making sure your implants are placed by an experienced dental implant surgeon, making sure you follow an effective oral health care routine at home is the biggest factor in keeping them looking good and maximising their lifespan.

1. Use your electric toothbrush just as you would for natural teeth: this means for 2 minutes with the brush head half on the tooth and half on the prosthetic gum. Any toothpaste will do, but avoid overly abrasive toothpastes e.g. smoker’s toothpastes.

2. Next, replace the round brush head with the interdental brush head (we suggest Oral B, available on Amazon), and work along the natural gum line, both inside (or tongue side) and outside (lips and cheek side); try to push this bendy brush under the bridge areas.

3. Finally, at night, use your water pik to jet any debris that may have caught under the bridge areas. Remember to re-fill the reservoir (cordless water pik) three times for your upper set of teeth, and three times for your lower set of teeth.

4. Some patients can benefit from using super floss (floss with a spongy bit) especially in the easy to access areas under the back teeth.

Visit your implant dentist for regular check-ups

Once you have your permanent set of teeth and your treatment is complete, it is important to attend regular dental implant check-ups and hygiene appointments.

“At TDC, for most patients we recommend cleaning appointments every 3 to 4 months, and dental check-ups every 12 to 18 months so we can check all areas of your mouth and around the implants,” says Dr Anthony.

“It means we can monitor and maintain the health of your teeth and gums, just as we would with natural teeth.

We can advise you personally and identify any small issues before they become a serious problem. We also always complete a mouth cancer screening for total peace of mind.”

Stop smoking!

Whilst smoking doesn’t stop you from having dental implants placed, research has shown that the rate of implant failure is significantly higher for those who smoke than those who don’t. Of course, for general health reasons, everyone should attempt to stop smoking.

“At TDC we don’t judge our patients for smoking,” says Dr Anthony, “But we are honest about the implications it can have on the long-term success of their dental implant treatment.”

Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, depriving the tissue in your mouth of oxygen and nutrients. It also reduces saliva flow. All of these slow down the healing process. Smoking also lowers your immunity and ability to fight infection.

“It never ceases to amaze me as to how many patients use having dental implant therapy as the reason to stop smoking.

The majority realise that smoking has heavily contributed to their tooth loss and they just don’t want to go back there.”

So, if you are a smoker and are thinking about having dental implants – or have had implants placed – giving up smoking is good for both your general health and helping to make sure your implants last.

What can I eat with my new teeth?

Advanced, same-day dental implants such as Smile in a Day are known as “immediate loading”.

This means that temporary teeth are secured onto your implants on the day of surgery, so you do not have any gaps or have to wear a false teeth during the osseointegration phase (the period whilst your bone integrates with your dental implants).

These temporary teeth remain in place night and day until they are replaced, about three months later, for your final, permanent set of teeth with no more surgery and no more injections.

Eating with your first set of fixed teeth

These are the new teeth that you get on the same day that your dental implants are placed.

They are made from a composite material to appear just like real teeth – however, we can design them any way you want, with smiles ranging from Simon Cowell white to completely natural.

Most patients choose something in between; a natural-looking, clean white smile.

Unlike false teeth that you often wear with traditional implant methods, they stay secured in place by the implants, 24 hours a day, for about 8-12 weeks whilst your bone integrates or heals with your implants.

Whilst you could easily bite into an apple on the actual day of dental implant surgery, we advise you to take things slowly when you are wearing your temporary set – you will be getting used to the feeling of having new teeth, and may feel nervous about chewing and biting and could easily bite your tongue or lips.

So, we recommend that you build up gradually and eat only foods that you can cut with a fork.

• Eating with your final, permanent fixed teeth

Your final permanent teeth are placed at a non-surgical appointment about 3 months after surgery.

These new teeth are also crafted from a high-quality composite material that is re-inforced with a titanium bar to combine optimum strength, durability and shock absorbency.

We start by taking new impressions to ensure that your new set fits to any gum shrinkage that has occurred. It then takes a few more appointments to check and let you approve your final smile before your final teeth are placed.

We make sure that the fit, function and appearance of your teeth are absolutely right.

Now you can eat any food you want – just as you would with natural teeth. You can bite and chew normally, and without worry. You can bite into those crisp apples, crunchy baguettes and mouthwatering steaks!

If you previously wore a denture, you’ll find that you can taste your food again as there is no bulky strap covering your palate.

Can my new teeth break?

At TDC we always use the highest quality materials for your treatment, but, just like natural teeth, the teeth on your implant bridge will be subject to wear and tear from daily grinding and chewing of normal foods.

This means that they can occasionally chip or break, but they can usually be easily and quickly repaired or replaced. This will not affect your implants which will still securely hold your new teeth in place.

Of course, do remember that your new teeth are not bionic, so just treat them like natural teeth.

We advise all our patients to use a night guard to protect your new teeth from the effects of clenching and grinding while you sleep.

What can happen if I don’t look after my new teeth on dental implants?

If natural teeth are neglected they can develop a covering of deposits. If left untreated, this can lead to gum tissue infection. This is just the same for dental implant teeth.

And, just as natural teeth can develop gum disease leading to the loss of the supporting bone over time, dental implants can develop a similar pattern of gradual bone loss if they are not kept clean with a good oral hygiene routine.

In severe cases this can lead to implant failure. So, it is important to understand that you need to commit to looking after your new teeth if you want your investment to last and to enjoy all the benefits of your restored teeth.

Caring for your new teeth is a team effort

At TDC, our dental teams have over 25 years’ experience placing dental implants, are leaders in the same-day dental implant technique, and you can be assured that we use only the best quality dental implants.

We know these factors deliver the best long-term results for our patients and have won multiple awards for our patient care and support – before, during and after implant treatment.

“Please remember,” says Dr Anthony, “That once your Smile in a Day dental implant treatment is complete, it is your responsibility to maintain your implant teeth.

We will work with you, but it is the quality of your personal oral hygiene routine and willingness to come for dentist and regular dental hygienist maintenance reviews that influences how long they last.

Continued care of your new implant teeth will assure their continuing health, aesthetics and function, just as with natural teeth.

Our patients always say that the results are life-changing – so taking care of your investment is a small price to pay for your beautiful new smile!”

Why not get in touch?

TDC have three UK-based dedicated implant centres in London Harley Street, Folkestone and Peterborough, where we offer our award-winning Smile in a Day same-day dental implant procedure.

For more information, including your suitability for Smile in a Day dental implant treatment and cost, book your free, no-obligation consultation* or call our highly trained Implant Patient Advisors on 020 3553 6415

Foods that keep your teeth healthy

01 Aug 2016

A study published in General Dentistry found that consuming unsweetened dairy products helps to protect teeth from cavities. Cheese is particularly good, as it stimulates salivation and contains compounds such as the milk protein casein which reinforces tooth enamel. Yoghurt contains calcium and phosphates that have a re-mineralising effect. However, dairy products are not the only good foods for protecting the teeth.


Foods with high-fibre content stimulate the production of saliva, which is vital for the neutralisation of harmful acids that are released when you eat sugary or starchy foods. High-fibre foods also have an overall detergent effect on the mouth and teeth. Raw celery is especially good, says Miriam Robbins, a department chair in the New York University College of Dentistry, because when chewed it breaks down into fibrous strands that clean the teeth.


Pears are another good source of fibre, plus they have a better neutralising effect on harmful acids in the mouth than other fruit. This was shown in a study by the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, which compared the neutralising effect of different fruits on dental plaque and found that it was highest in pears.images

Sesame oil

A third weapon in the plaque-fighting arsenal is sesame oil. Long known and used in Ayurvedic medicine for its perceived re-mineralisation effect on teeth, the oil was the subject of research by the Meenakshi Ammal Dental College in Chennai, India. The triple-blind study showed that gargling with sesame oil, or “oil pulling”, led to a statistically significant reduction in plaque and symptoms of gum disease induced by plaque.

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